Arborist Reports
by certified arborists

What is an arborist report?

An Arborist Report is a detailed summary of a tree’s condition, including information about any damage or disease and the recommended care, such as fertilization, pest control, pruningcabling and bracing, removal, etc. An Arborist Report must be prepared by an ISA certified arborist. Not only are our arborists certified and qualified to provide you with the document you need to maintain your tree – our crews have the equipment and training to complete the suggested work to your satisfaction!

When you need an arborist report:

  • Assess damage to a tree and the potential danger to your property
  • Obtain construction permits to allow lot clearing for new construction
  • Obtain a tree removal permit

Arborist reports required for Removal Permit

Ontario is known for it’s natural beauty in all seasons. Preserving the tree canopy is an important part of Ontario’s green future. For this reason, several municipalities, including TorontoMarkham and Pickering, require a permit to remove some species and sizes of trees. Each town or city has its own tree removal permit requirements. For example, in Markham you need a permit to remove any tree that is greater than 8 inches (20 cm) in diameter at chest height (54 inches/1.37 m). In some cities, an Arborist Report may be needed before a tree removal permit can be obtained.

Call our Isa Certified arborists Today

If you need an Arborist Report or would like more information about our process, don’t hesitate to call Wight Tree Service.